
A Little History

The year was 2000. When I wasn't climbing the hills behind Red Rocks, I was creating identity systems and managing brands for Fortune 1000s at a branding firm in Denver. It was a great challenge and natural fit for me—a self-professed obsessive organizer. But creative really came alive for me when I moved to Massachusetts and began working in advertising.

I worked at an ad agency for about 8 years, and there I co-created national campaigns, pitched and won new clients, and worked with a great team. It was a fun and fast-paced world filled with interesting characters.

When I moved to Michigan I worked at several small- to medium-sized agencies doing everything from print, to digital, advertising, identity, environmental, illustration and photography. I was the senior interaction designer at a digital agency when I switched to higher education

Being an in-house creative at Michigan Ross has been an important, enriching experience. The deep dive into a complex organization is a contrast to common agency relationships.


Today I'm looking for interesting new opportunities. I'm always up for a good challenge, so reach out and let's work on something together. I'd love to team up.